
Mirisni potpisi / Fragrant Signatures, Slobodanka Poštić, 2022.

Kad jedno podučava, dvoje uče.
Robert Heinlein

Među osobama koje cijene prirodne mirise raste broj onih koji su odlučili prema vlastitim mirisnim preferencijama i zamislima sami sebi kreirati parfeme od prirodnih sastojaka. Ta scena je vrlo živahna, puna znatiželjnih, vrlo motiviranih i strastveno posvećenih ljudi.

Za mene je, kad sam 2005. g. počela podučavati vještinu kreiranja prirodnih parfema, bilo ugodno iznenađenje da postoji toliki interes za to znanje. Kako bih što bolje odgovorila na očekivanja polaznika, htjela sam saznati što ljude motivira da prisustvuju toj edukaciji i kakvi su njeni konačni rezultati. Tijekom četverogodišnjeg razdoblja sam među polaznicima koji su završili edukaciju provodila anketu. Jedan od dobivenih podataka koji me posebno ohrabrio pokazao je da je više od tri četvrtine ispitanika smatralo da im proces kreiranja i nošenje prirodnih parfema poboljšavaju kvalitetu života.

Ovaj priručnik je nastao iz radnog materijala namijenjenog polaznicima edukacije Mirisni potpisi. Materijal je dodatno proširen detaljnim, korak-po-korak prikazima postupaka u svim fazama kreiranja prirodnog parfema, kako bi oni koji odluče sami naučiti tu vještinu, mogli što učinkovitije savladati potrebno znanje. Nastojala sam također dopuniti tekst uputama koje su se tijekom nastave pokazale korisnima.
Nadam se da će vam priručnik uspješno poslužiti tijekom avanture otkrivanja i kreiranja vašeg mirisnog potpisa.
Mirišite prirodno, osjećajte se dobro!

Format knjige je A4, uvez je meki, šivani, a broj stranica je 311, ISBN: 978-953-49383-5-5

Sadržaj knjige i Uvod pogledajte ovdje.

Više detalja o knjizi nađite na njenoj stranici.

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When one teaches, two learn.
Robert Heinlein

Among the people who appreciate natural scents, the number of those who have decided to create their own natural perfumes is growing. This very lively community is crowded with curious, highly motivated and passionately dedicated people.

When I started teaching natural perfumes creation in 2005, it was a pleasant surprise to learn there is so much interest in this knowledge. In order to better respond to the expectations of the students, I was curious to find out what motivates people to attend the education and what was its final effect. During the four-year period, I conducted a survey among the participants who completed the education. One of the results that particularly encouraged me was the fact that more than three quarters of the respondents thought that the process of creating, as well as wearing natural perfumes, improved the quality of their life.

This manual was created from the working materials intended for the participants of the Fragrant Signatures education. The materials have been further expanded with detailed, step-by-step descriptions of procedures in all stages of creating a natural perfume, so that those who decide to learn this skill on their own, can master the necessary knowledge as effectively as possible. Based on my teaching experience, materials have also been supplemented with useful tips.

I hope this manual successfully serves you on the exploratory adventure of discovering and creating your fragrant signature.
Smell natural, feel good!

The format of the book is A4, the binding is soft and sewn, and the number of pages is 313, ISBN: 978-953-49383-6-2

Table of Contents you can find here and Introduction here.

More details about the book find at its page