Naturalness Artisanal Distillery, Portugal
Naturalness is an artisanal essential oil distillery located in a tiny village called Louriçal do Campo in Portugal. Our day starts early in the morning. After children leave for scool, it’s time for two of us to go out on our tractor. We reach out for uncultivated fields or Gardunha mountain sides. Silence is around us! Nature has developed an incredible force of survival for wild plants. The ones, we wish to work with,release sweet, woody, green and fresh aroma. Sickle is used in the cutting process.
Our distillery is built in a 19th century watermill with thick granite walls. When pressure is stable, red round valve is opened for the steam to enter into distillation vessel. First notes are sweet, tender, little fresh and I would say cosy as they would say: “Come and stay for a while!”. Final product may be hydrosol or essential oil.
Marco did mention to me at first about essential oil and told, it was good for treating problematic skin.Hydrosol stood out for exceptional behavior to stop bleeding, as well as great tonic itself.Local aromatherapists introduced a fact about inhalation of essential oil being used as a key to your soul to reach hidden feelings. Grounding and supporting for some users, uplifting for the others. This plant has taken over of our lives! It is Cistus ladanifer, rock rose in popular language.
An essential oil is used in perfumery! Chanel no. 5 has it! If it is used as a base note and for fixation in perfumery, we should try to make perfume! In 2018, at Botanica conference in United Kingdom, I met a perfumer and teacher, Slobodanka Poštić from Croatia. Her presentation about natural perfumery was inspiring and created a desire to spread the knowledge here in Portugal. In 2019 Slobodanka came to teach about natural perfumery in two workshops.
Landscape around Naturalness Distillery is decorated with natural granite sculptures. Creation of an Aroma Garden is taking place. Mainly Portuguese plants are introduced!
To complete our main activity, working with Cistus ladanifer plant, there are other aromatic and medicinal plants, we are working with.
Portuguese Collection of Essential oils and hydrosols:
Cistus ladanifer,
Cryptomeria japonica,
Eucalyptus globulus,
Hedychium gardnerianum,
Helichrysum stoechas,
Inula graveolens,
Lavandula angustifolia,
Lavandula pedunculata,
Lavandula luisieri,
Laurus azorica,
Melissa officinalis,
Mentha x piperita,
Pelargonium graveolens,
Pinus pinaster,
Pittosporum undulatum,
Rosmarinus officinalis,
Thymus vulgaris.
Small quantities of enfleurage is produced: Neroli (Citrus aurantium); Mimosa tree (Acacia dealbata) and
Broom (Cytisus striatus).
Thank you!
Marju and Marco
Watch the short film about the distillery:
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